Friday, 3 May 2013

ASP .NET with C#
B.Sc. (IT) Sem. V



Unit 1.
Review of.NET frameworks, Introduction to C#, Variables and expressions, flow controls, functions, debugging and error handling, OOPs with C#, Defining classes and class members. Assembly, Components of Assembly, Private and Shared Assembly, Garbage Collector, JIT compiler, Namespaces.

Unit 2.

Collections, Comparisons and Conversions, Delegates and Events, Windows programming: Controls (Button, Label, Link Label, Radio Button, CheckBox, Text Box, Rich TextBox, List Box, Checked List Box, List View, Tabbed), Forms (Menus and Tool Bars, SDI and MDI applications, Building MDI applications.

Unit 3. Introduction to ASP.NET 4 :Microsoft.NET framework, ASP.NET lifecycle. Themes in ASP.NET.

CSS : Need of CSS, Introduction to CSS, Working with CSS with visual developer.

ASP.NET server controls : Types of control, ASP.NET state management engine. Web.config andglobal.asax files.

Unit 4. Programming ASP.NET web pagesIntroduction, data types and variables, statements, organizing code, object oriented basics. MasterPages, Caching.

Navigation: Using navigation controls, programmatic redirection

User Controls: Introduction to user controls

Validating User Controls

Unit 5. Databases
Introduction, Using SQL to work with database, retrieving and manipulating data with SQL, workingwith ADO.NET, ADO.NET, ADO.NET architecture, ASP.NET data control, data source control,deploying the web site. Crystal reports.

LINQ : Operators, implementations, LINQ to objects, XML, ADO.NET, Query Syntax

ASP.NET Security : Authentication, Authorization, Impersonation, ASP.NET provider model.

Unit 6. ASP.NET Ajax
Introducing AJAX, Using ASP.NET AJAX, Web Services and Page methods in AJAX websites.

JQuery : Introduction to JQuery, JQuery syntax, modifying DOM with JQuery, effects with JQuery,JQuery and extensibility.


Beginning Visual C# 2010, K. Watson, C. Nagel, J.H Padderson, J.D. Reid, M.Skinner, Wrox (Wiley) 2010. (Unit I and II).

Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB, I. Spanjaars, Reprint 2011 (Unit III to VI).

ASP.NET 4.0 programming, J. Kanjilal, Tata McGraw-Hill (Unit III to VI).

Practical List:

1. Simple Programs with C#:

a) Write a console application that obtains four int values from the user and displays the product. Hint: you may recall that the Convert.ToDouble() command was used to convert the input from the console to a double; the equivalent command to convert from a string to an int is Convert.ToInt32().

b) If you have two integers stored in variables var1 and var2, what Boolean test can you perform to see if one or the other (but not both) is greater than 10?

c) Write an application that includes the logic from Exercise 1, obtains two numbers from the user, and displays them, but rejects any input where both numbers are greater than 10 and asks for two new numbers.

d) Write a console application that places double quotation marks around each word in a string

e) Write an application that uses two command-line arguments to place values into a string and an integer variable, respectively. Then display these values.

f) Write an application that receives the following information from a set of students:
Student Id:
Student Name:
Course Name:
Date of Birth:
The application should also display the information of all the students once the data is entered. Implement this using an Array of Structs.

g) Write programs using conditional statements and loops:
i Generate Fibonacci series.
ii. Generate various patterns (triangles, diamond and other patterns) with
iii. Test for prime numbers.
iv. Generate prime numbers.
v. Reverse a number and find sum of digits of a number.
vi. Test for vowels.
vii. Use of foreach loop with arrays.

2. Object oriented programs with C#

a. Program using classes.
b. Program with different features of C#
Function Overloading
Operator Overloading
Inheritance (all types)
Constructor overloading
Using Delegates and eventsException handling

3. Programs using different controls.

4. Programs using CSS.

5. Programs using ASP.NET Server controls.

6. Database programs with ASP.NET and ADO.NET

7. Programs using Language Integrated query.

8. Programs securing web pages.

9. Programs using AJAX.

10 Programs using JQuery.


  1. can you also post the answer for these Questions

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