Friday, 3 May 2013

Tybsc (IT)  -SEM 5 Syllabus w.e.f 2011 - 2012

Advanced Java 


Unit 1: Swing 
Event Handling, JFrames, Lists, Tables, Trees, Text Components, Progress Indicators,  Component Organizers.

Unit 2:  Introduction to servlets
Need for dynamic content, Java servlet technology, why servlets?

Servlet API and Lifecycle: Servlet API, servletConfig interface, ServletRequest and ServletResponse Interfaces, GenericServlet Class. ServletInputStream And ServletOutputStream Classes, Request Dispatcher Interface, Http Servlet Class, HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse Interfaces, HttpSession Interface, Servlet Lifecycle.

Working with servlets : organization of a web application, creating a web application (usingnetbeans) , creating a servlet, compiling and building the web application.

Unit 3: JDBC 
Design of JDBC, JDBC configuration, Executing SQL statement, Query Execution,Scrollable and updatable result sets, row sets, metadata, Transaction.

JSP : Introduction, disadvantages, JSP v/s Servlets, Lifecycle of JSP, Comments, JSP documents,JSP elements, Action elements, implicit objects, scope, characterquoting conventions, unifiedexpression language

Unit 4: Java server Faces Need of MVC , what is JSF?, components of JSF, JSF as an application, JSF lifecycle, JSFconfiguration, JSF web applications (login form, JSF pages)

EJB : Enterprise bean architecture, Benefits of enterprise bean, type of beans, Accessing beans,packaging beans, creating web applications creating enterprise bean, creating web client, creating JSPfile, building and running web application.

Introduction, Writing the application, application development approach, creating database and tables in MySQL, creating a web application, Adding the required library files, creating a Java bean class, creating hibernate configuration and mapping file, adding a mapping resource, creating JSPs.

STRUTS :Introduction, Struts framework core components, installing and setting up struts, getting started withstruts.

Unit 6. WEB Services :
SOAP, Building a web services using JAX-WS, Building web service.

JAVAMAIL : Mail Protocols, Components of the Javamail API, JAVAMAIL API, Starting with API.

JNDI : NAMING Service, Directory service, JNDI, Resources and JNDI.STRUTS Introduction, Struts framework core components, installing and setting up struts, getting started withstruts.


Java EE 6 for Beginners, Sharanam Shah, Vaishali Shah, SPD (Unit II to VI)

Core Java Vol. II – Advanced Features, Cay S. Horstmans, Gary Coronell, Eight Edition, Pearson (Unit I and III)

Java Complete Reference, Herbert Schildt, Seventh Edition,TMH. (Unit I)

Practical List:

1. Write a java program to present a set of choices for a user to select Stationary products and display the price of Product after Selection from the list.

2. Write a java program to demonstrate typical Editable Table, describing employee details for a software company.

3. Write a java program using Split pane to demonstrate a screen divided in two parts, one part contains the names of Planets and another Displays the image of planet. When user selects the planet name form Left screen, appropriate image of planet displayed in right screen.

4. Develop Simple Servlet Question Answer Application to demonstrate use of HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse interfaces.

5. Develop Servlet Application of Basic Calculator (+,-,*, /, %) using ServletInputStream and ServletOutputStream.

6. Develop a JSP Application to accept Registration Details form user and Store it intothe database table.

7. Develop a JSP Application to Authenticate User Login as per the registration details.If login success the forward user to Index Page otherwise show login failure Message.

8. Develop a web application to add items in the inventory using JSF.

9. Develop a Room Reservation System Application Using Enterprise Java Beans.

10.Develop a Hibernate application to store Feedback of Website Visitor in MySQL Database.

11. a .Develop a simple Struts Application to Demonstrate 3 page Website of Teaching Classes which passes values from every page to another.b.Develop a simple Struts Application to Demonstrate E-mail Validator.

12. a. Develop a simple “Hello World” Web Service with SOAP in Java.
b. Develop a Simple Web Service and Client with JAX-WS.c. Develop an application to show searching the Directory using JNDI capabilities.

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